Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tim's Rant

I'm sorry but I just have to get this off of my chest in what I call Tim's rant. What kind of a nation are we becoming? I grew up in a free nation that we respected each other's freedoms. Now, we have people who want us to live the way they think is good for us. STAY OUT OF MY FREEDOMS!!!!!

I told you I got up this morning and can't quite figure out why and how we got here thus Tim's rant. Yes, as I grew up I road a bicycle without a helmet, we could travel in the back of a pickup truck, we helped our neighbor without the State or Fed. help.

Now, besides all of the above there are movements to tax us calling it something else, like the pocket mouse removal on land here in California. When you pay the fee on so you can build no one traps the mouse no one does anything we just pay the state. How about the lotto in California.

We were told that if we had a lotto we would not have to worry about school buildings needing repair anymore. The money would go to education. Not true, oops I would get in trouble the money does go to education. DOES IT? The department of education has a budget so any money that flows into there department that is more than the amount to run education is pushed out to the general fund. No money actually goes to education and we still have schools that are in worse repair than before the lotto. Net result we are worse off.

Who is running the State of California and the Federal Government? Have we lost our minds? We turned off water to grow food in the great central valley of California and that was to help a 3 inch fish. No proof that the water pumps were causing the demise of the fish. We want to help them from going extinct. Since the shut off they these fish are still decreasing in number and people and food aren't that important. How does that add up?  The Federal Government is running the water into the ocean and not to the land causing a dust bowl.

So, a solution the Metropolitan Water District will cough up $350,000 to a San Diego project over a 25 years period and desalinate water. Sounds good right. No we can't do that either critics don't like that it is a private company and want the government that is broke to fund the project and build it. Environmentalists worry about the impact of highly salty brine and what will come of it. So they want alternatives. So for the nation at large you will not be getting the produce from California.

We must be the most distracted people in the world and don't know or care about how our freedoms are being taken away everyday. We are trying to take on too much from a government who cannot tell the truth. We need to actually take action and use our laws against those who made them and lied to us. If they have misused funds and gotten kickbacks while convincing us that the sky will fall if we are not being cared for by them we need to take action. If not vote out everyone.  I told you I was on a RANT.

We look at California the state is broke and today there is discussion that TVs take too much energy so they have set standards that reduce the power that a TV can use by about 50 percent. Not based on science or manufacturing standards or what is possible but what they believe it should be. That standard is only until 2012 then they want it to be a 3rd of what it now takes. Leave my enjoyment of TV alone.  Oh yea, 52 inch sets are exempt.  Why?  None of it makes sense.  So, people will purchase larger TVs or go out of state to purchase them leaving the retailers here in California without the usual sales. 

Where does this stop? Then we are going to be told by the feds which cars we can buy and what kind of health care we can purchase. Since the government cannot tell the truth and or run a business well, why are we doing this.

This is Tim's rant of the day.

Tim Lorenz
Instant MLS Listings & Free Market Analysis
"We have actually closed many short sales!"


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