Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Orange County Homes Demand up 12 Percent

The demand for Orange County homes us up 12 percent.  When one looks at the last 30 days and compares to the a year ago the Orange County homes is up 12 percent.  It helps us understand the demand for homes in the area.

We are seeing the sales steadly move up in the South Orange County area. The artical in The Orange County Register stated, "absent any distressed homes, the market is poised to appreciate". That is the same as saying, absent the recession the market is poised to appreciate". Distressed properties are likely to increase over 2010. We also have a reluctance of banks to lend above $700,000 where a lot of our homes are values.

We currently have 3.22 months of inventory slightly up from 2 weeks ago when it was 2.93. Since a lot of individuals do not want to list during the holidays there is an increase in inventory consisting of those who were ready in December but waited and the people who are now ready.

Tim Lorenz
Instant MLS Listings & Free Market Analysis
"We have actually closed many short sales!"


Tim Lorenz . Over 40 Years Experience Representing South Orange County Home Buyers, Sellers, Investors and Relocations!

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