Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Rant Our Unemployment Is Still Going Up

My rant on the fact that our unemployment rate is still going up week in and week out.  How do we get Washington's attention on this matter.

Again we have seen the new figures on unemployment and it is still going up. 5 states are over 12 percent unemployed. I follow the stimulus money and what the Federal Government is doing with that money. The Federal Government has not spent the stimulus money even though they ask and got more recently. The country is going broke and it will greatly effect each and everone of us even more than it now does it something is not done. This is not a liberal vs conservative issue. Destroying this nation by having it go under is not political.

The stimulus money has gone mostly to state and local governments. Lets look at that for a minute. It means that we are saving state and local programs. It the current unemployment rate for government workers is at 3 persent. We were promissed that the money would go to shovel ready jobs. Buildings, roads and the like. That has not happened. Construction workers are now at 25 percent unemployment.

If we do not get money to flow in the private sector none of the tax credits programs, cash for clunkers, or incentive programs will work. We need the private sector to expand the number of people capable of paying tax to sustain the local, state and federal programs. If there are fewer workers in the private sector and more in the government sector we are doomed.

Why are we working 24 - 7 on Health Care when jobs must be delivered now. The Health Care bill will not create jobs but actuall cause a lot of Doctors to find a new line of work. The bill actually cuts there pay and tha is how the Federal Government intends to solve problems. That also will cut taxes to the Federal Government.


Tim Lorenz
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"We have actually closed many short sales!"


Tim Lorenz . Over 40 Years Experience Representing South Orange County Home Buyers, Sellers, Investors and Relocations!

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